For sale by owner

At the request of many owners we now offer the possibility to distribute a boat in For Sale By Owner status.

Some of you want to be more involved in the sale of your boat.

You know your boat well, you have the availability then this FSBO concept is made for you!

Your boat will be displayed on the main international websites, including sites that you, as an individual, do not have access to. 

Your boat will also be displayed on posters in our windows.

Your boat will be as visible as a boat on “classic” sale 

For Sale By Owner (FSBO)

We assist you from the moment you put your boat up for sale to the closing and payment !

Caribbean Yachts your " FSBO " partner !

Commercial expertise.

We will visit your boat and build a comprehensive commercial and marketing file, a detailed inventory (French, English, Spanish). Descriptive scope of work and maintenance performed, administrative and technical survey (Flag, Tax/VAT status etc…), pictures, specs and lay outs. Highlight and showcase all the assets of your boat.


Your boat will be advertised throughout our network and showcase. A customised sign showing your personal contact information will be displayed on your boat. To maximise exposure your boat will be posted on and the most important world wide used boat websites. Our website is one of the most visited in the business of used boats , we also provide comprehensive multilingual information. Your ad will be published on a regular basis Publication of your ad on a regular basis Point of sale advertising. Customers visiting our website are not necessarily looking for a bargain but want to buy the boat that best fits their sailing needs !


After you reach an agreement with the buyer, we continue to support you throughout the selling process. (provisional sales agreement, survey, sea trial...)

Set a fair and competitive price

Our experience and our tools are designed to help you setting a sales price that takes into consideration the market, the general condition of the boat, the argus value, price of brand new boats as well as the list of sold boats in the same range. A reasonable and realistic market price will speed the selling process

Negotiation / relationship between buyer and seller

Any inquiries placed by potentiel buyers via our platform will be forwarded to your attention, allowing you to liaise directly with them. Who better than yourself knows your boat, its advantages and its weaknesses ?


What documents are required ? when is appropriate to talk about money? Who is responsible to pay what ? Our long time experienced and professional consultants will provide you guidance until you reach an agreement with the buyer.


  • You are too busy and have to time to reply to potential buyers
  • The buyer does not speak the same language
  • Strained relationship with the buyer
  • You need guidance from a third party to seal the deal

Our program is designed to enable our consultants to take over the negotiations, fully or partially, at any stage of the selling process. The level of service provided will be charged accordingly .


  • Commercial Survey
  • Set the right price
    Detailed Specs + photos + layout
  • Internet and local publication
  • Permanent Support
  • Web and local marketing (max 12 months)
    All the legal documentations to finalize the transaction (Purchase and sale agreement – Vessel Acceptance – Bill of sale …)
  • Ownership transfer ( with the same flag)

RATE – 1,5  to 3 % of the sale price*

* Depends on the Value, the Flag and the owner status
To be paid when the boat is sold . (even if the boat is sold through another way). 

On Demand !

We can supply all the required documentation for yacht sales :

  •  Boats visit / Sea trail
  • Bills of sale
  • Documentation process
  • Export sale with flag deletion
  • Import sale with registration …

Any advice you need regarding a boat project

Our articles

Buy & Sell

2025 Market Situation

Unfortunately, the state of the global second-hand market, including in the Caribbean, has further deteriorated. THE CURRENT MARKET (12-2024) Take the example of the Lagoon

Buy & Sell

The market ahead of the 2023-2024 season

We are facing a very difficult market situation. The number of boats for sale is constantly increasing, and prices are still very high. Prices asked

Buy & Sell


Over the last few years, we’ve experienced an exceptional situation that has deeply changed the market. I’ve been in the boating business for over 30